doing what i love
doing what i love


Melody Alexis Beam
3 min readDec 9, 2020


How a highschool teacher made my future.

I’m in college to “better myself”, to further my education and reach the career goals I have set for myself. It is easy to say everyone has different aspirations in life, and no one is clearly on the same path. Most of us are just infatuated with the idea of being successful. Everyone wants to make money, no one wants there plans to fall through.

My plan is to become a News Anchor, and yes, I’m aware the field I have chosen for myself is a difficult one to pursue: but I am determined, and I will work very hard to make it happen. I fell in love with the idea when I was a Sophomore in high school I started filming a weekly news show for my school. At first, I was average, it would take a while to get that perfect read off the teleprompter, one take after another, I’d get better and better.

Until I finally came to the face of the “Friday show”. I talked to my teacher about how there’s some news that needs to be shown daily and sometimes students wouldn’t know about what’s going on because of the lack of communication, or media outlets around the school, or community. After that discussion we came up with a show that was produced daily, it was called “The Hive in Five.” Being involved in the television production courses, kept me out of trouble and grew to be something I was so very passionate about. That news studio was my sacred place, and I miss it daily.

I understand being the main News Anchor in a high school is completely different than what it’s like in a professional field, but dedication is what made me so good at what I do, and eventually, it will make me even better than I am now. You may think it’s just as easy as standing there and reading off of a prompter, or a stack of papers. But to me, it’s so much more than that. The amount of enjoyment I get from just spreading awareness even if may not be important to everyone who’s watching is just astonishing. I want to wake up every day excited about what my profession is and where I work. I don’t want a job that doesn’t make me happy, or maybe it does just satisfy me. Who just wants to be satisfied? Becoming a News Anchor will do so much more for me, than just making me happy. It will show me that I am capable of anything, and even though I didn’t grow up in a big house, and didn’t always get what I wanted, and even though I had parents who weren’t even financially stable at all times. I made something of myself and I will be successful, and I owe it all to me.



Melody Alexis Beam

I am a communications and journalism major at Montclair State University, my dream is to one day become a News Anchor!